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“Eyes Like Mine”
Written by: Travis Yee, JessLee, Steve Virginia
Release Date: June 11, 2021
Learn what inspired the song & dive into the lyrics.
This is the landing page for Travis Yee’s next single, “Eyes Like Mine”.
Release Date: June 11, 2021
Behind the Music w/ Travis: This song was so much fun to write and doing so allowed me to dig in on a more personal level than other songs I’ve written. Ever since I started singing country music, some of the attention has come from people questioning me on my decision to pursue music and if I am someone that should be singing country music. One should never have to feel they aren’t good enough. And I get it…it is definitely something different and may be hard for people to take in, but our society (and country music) also needs change. Not necessarily speaking just representation, but that new things, should be, and are acceptable.
The song starts off with a statement that says it’s okay to be different (and not everyone is going to appreciate you). That I’m okay with being different. And hoping that the person on the other end judging realizes that just because of how someone looks, we have many more similarities as human beings. And that’s how people should connect. Not on how one dresses, looks, sounds, etc. A lot of people have asked me why I don’t wear a cowboy hat or boots. I even went out of my way once and did a fashion show at Boot Barn, but I didn’t feel comfortable. I’m from San Francisco, CA…we don’t wear cowboy hats or boots there.
I wanted to song to take the listener on a journey of stereotypes that one would assume a country artist would fit in. Then make the listener realize there’s more than just that and “it doesn’t always have to be that way”. Like the saying goes, “don’t judge a book by its cover”, we just worded it differently, “the cover of a book don’t have much to say”. Just like song titles that reveal something unexpected. Just like a book or movie that has an ending that you weren’t expecting. The same goes with people. And until you get to know someone, one shouldn’t assume or judge. That’s the message I wanted to get across and in a way that represents me.
I want this song to speak to people from the standpoint of those who don’t feel they are good enough or can’t be themselves because they fear the judgement. But, I also want it to speak to those who judge or have an opinion to realize how they impact others. This type of song has been done many many times and most can relate in some form or connect and it felt great being able to make an original version that connects with my journey and those who support me.
The writing process for this song was amazing. I got to write with JessLee who was featured as a contestant on the 14th season of The Voice where she got to perform on Team Blake. I also got to write with Steve Virginia who has written with Luke Combs, Eric Church, Blue Foley, and many more. It was an honor to be able to write such an impactful song with 2 amazing songwriters, professionals, and people. I couldn’t have asked for a better team.
My goal is to inspire people which absolutely inspires me to keep doing what I’m doing. Even if it just touches 1 person’s heart, then I did my job. I really hope this song connects with people and the message is clear.
Check below for the latest updates.
…I got lazy updating the rest…I forgot what happened, but the song is done lol!
April 11, 2021: Video Submissions – Started going through the video submissions to mark down times and moments. This will make it easier when importing them into Final Cut Pro and knowing where exactly a person is doing a specific action for the music video.
April 10, 2021: Video Submission Deadline – Received final videos for the music video project. Had over 20 participants. Also, had the idea of adding different judgements for each person towards the end of the video. Reached out to participants to get some sayings. Thanks to everyone who participated!
April 10, 2021: Vocal Takes – Starting placing vocal takes on the official backing track. Ran into a few hiccups with the key.
April 08, 2021: Music Video Breakdown – Created the direction for the music video. It will basically start with me, then filter throughout with the video submissions…some saying the lyrics, some smiling, some not smiling, and different actions. The video will have one look with just each person’s face in the frame.
April 04, 2021: Promotional Images – Happy Easter! Worked on some promotional images for the song release. Some samples here:
April 03, 2021: Merchandise – Artwork has been added to a limited set of apparel to purchase through the shop. SHOPTRAVISYEE.COM has been purchased and set up for the official Travis Yee shop. You can find other merchandise there too!
April 02, 2021: Bass Completed – Bass completed for “Eyes Like Mine”.
March 31, 2021: Drums Completed – Drums and loops completed for “Eyes Like Mine”.
March 26, 2021: Music Video Project – Created a project for first “Eyes Like Mine” music video. Here are the directions distributed to participants.
March 22, 2021: Artwork – Artwork for the single completed. Went through a couple of revisions until the final design.
March 21-22, 2021: Finalizing the Key – Worked on 3 different keys for the song vocally deciding on which would work the best as the final cut before sending off to production.
March 20, 2021: “Eyes Like Mine” Production Begins – Discussion of production begins. Exciting! Putting the team together for producers, drummer, guitar players, etc.
March 05, 2021: Feedback – Sent the demo track to a few people for an early opinion.
March 03, 2021: Sneak Peak – Listen to JessLee lay down vocal idea for the chorus.
March 03, 2021: “Eyes Like Mine” Final Write – Travis Yee, JessLee, & Steve Virginia meet up to finish “Eyes Like Mine” completing the remaining verses, chorus, and melodies.
February 16, 2021: “Eyes Like Mine” First Write – Travis Yee, JessLee, & Steve Virginia collaborate on the birth of “Eyes Like Mine” in Nashville, TN. Discussions on the song to write and the meaning/purpose behind it. The first verse, pre-chorus, and part of the chorus were established. Melodies were created.
Written by: Travis Yee, JessLee, & Steve Virginia